Why choose a temporary structure?


-         Reactive: to purchase or hire, lead times are very short (2 to 8 weeks according to project specification)


-          Economical: for hire (very competitive monthly rates) or purchasem costs are significantly lower than those of conventional buildings.


-    Simplified admistrative procedures: this type of structures not being considered as conventional builidngs planning processes, etc. are simpler.


-     Ease of use: Benefit from your own on site building.


-     No Foundations: in most cases, foundations are not required (more economical and flexible).


-     Flexibility: this type of structures are adaptable to most types of ground conditions. They can be adpated to your specific needs: insulation, heating, air conditioning, doors, lighting, etc. They can be acquired through straight purchase or leasing, as well as hired.


-         Possible installation on rented or non-constructible ground to avoid investments being lost in favour of third parties.


-         European compliance with wind and snow load requirements. According to specific needs strutcures can be adapted to temporary structure (60 mph wind speed) or conventional building requirements. In other words our structures can have the same resistance as a conventional building.


-         In most cases the installation of our structures does not disrupt the processes of your company.


-          Accounts: it can represent overheads rather then capital expenditure.


-         Minimal after sales requirements: Once the structure is delivered and installed no particular maintenance is required.


-          Return on invesment: after use, the structure is dismantled and returned (hire), or can be relocated as well as sold on second hand through our sales network.


-    These structures are environmentally friendly: they can be 100% recycled.


Short lead times, low costs and attractive hire solutions!


Modular re-locatable structures are the answer to your temporary storage needs.


Activity peaks, unexpected levels of production, tenders, site or process restructuring, fire, etc.

Our structures evolve with your company!


The big advantage of a modular structure is its flexibility over time.


 Interesting alternative when capital expenditure is not an option and when you are trying to retain the means of an ambitious commercial strategy!


This new generation of buildings allows you to benfit from a modern warehouse, on site, wihout any constraints of duration, capital expenditure or financial risk.

Omega Structures. copyright. 2006 a 2023
Storage marquees, temporary industrials buildings, Temporary buildings, Temporary structures, Storage marquees for hire, Industrial tent, Temporary storage, Temporary storage buildings, Temporary warehouse, Portable warehouse, Portable building, Re-locatable warehouse, Re-locatable building, Storage tent